Jesus History
The history of Jesus Christ is recorded in the New Testament, which is more of a theological document than a biography. Here are some key events in the life of Jesus Christ:
- Jesus is believed to have been born in Bethlehem between 6 BCE and 4 BCE. His parents, Mary and Joseph, traveled to Bethlehem from Nazareth for a census ordered by Caesar Augustus.
- The Three Wise Men, or Magi, and shepherds visited Jesus after his birth.
- An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him to flee to Egypt with Jesus and his mother to escape Herod's Massacre of the Innocents.
- After Herod's death, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to return to Israel with Jesus and his mother. Joseph settled in Nazareth to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazorean.
- Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, where he was hung between two thieves. According to the Gospel of Mark, he was crucified at 9 AM and died around 3 PM.
- According to the Gospel of John, a soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear after his death, causing blood and water to gush from the wound.
Christians regard Jesus as the incarnation of God and believe he died for the sins of all people and rose from the dead.
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